Sunday, 12 June 2016

Why Blog?

Blogging is complicated business. It takes a bit of time and a bit of recklessness to pick at the dense (point of) matter holed up inside that singularity in your mind and have it spew your thoughts all over the Internet. I assume, of course, that this blog would be popular. Quite the opposite of what I expect of my own blog. In fact, it's because I don't ever expect anyone that knows me to find this blog, that I actually blog.
I never understood why I think, write or publish these blog posts. I ask myself, periodically, whether this is worth my time. The reply I come up with is pretty much self-sufficient for any context I ask this question in - 'Do you really do anything productive in life?'
There we have it, folks.
I kid, of course.
The more important question, I believe, is why I blog about the stuff I do, or rather think about doing.
See, I have a lot of things going on in my mind. Most of it is nonsense but some of it helps me when I feel like I lack the enthusiasm that usually keeps me going; it's mostly because I read my "philosophy" in these posts, get a good laugh out of it and move on. Sometimes though, I derive some form of motivation out of reading these posts. Those 'sometimes' are enough to keep me going.

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